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2020: Thanks... Now Go Away


Updated: Apr 12, 2021

Ah, 2020. The year none of us—except maybe science fiction writers and former President Barack Obama and the CDC—ever saw heading our way.

I tried to gather the words to describe the year. You know what? I decided to shut up. We don't need to relive any of this (disclaimer: except Dave Barry's EOY column).

So, instead? On behalf of all The Swingin' Bards, I want to thank you.

Hey there, Bardiacs! You are the best!

When our gigs went away, you came to our rescue. We proposed an outdoor concert series and you responded with sponsorships, tips, and regular attendance. You brought masks, chairs, picnic baskets, and the occasional bottle of wine (sometimes for the band). You showed up on foot, in cars, on bicycles and motorcycles, and danced around the cul-de-sac. You taught our neighbor kids how to two-step. HOW GREAT IS THAT? You played "Stump the Band," gamely hollering out song ideas (BTW, "The Weight" is a keeper). You waited out those inevitable thunderstorms. You ate ice cream provided by a sponsor, Reasons to be Cheerful, who brought the Chillwagon to gigs (and whose owner, Philip, occasionally sat in on drums). You shopped in at The Cheese Shop and thanked the owner and sponsor, Peter Lovis, for keeping music live. You supported our friends' businesses at A Remedy for That and Merlin's Silver Star. And you watched from as far flung places as Germany (Sam and Eva!), Texas (Joy!) and California (Sharon! Leslie!) when we live-streamed. Thank YOU!

It was Beck-fest, a real life "Saturday in the Park" every other Sunday. Together, we celebrated something simple and normal. People laughing. Really smiling.

Timberstock, my friends, was born.

Last summer, I confided in my friend, Hilary Taylor, that I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. Hil—a regular at Bardy parties—said she, too, underestimated how much she missed the live music experience. She admitted to shedding a tear at our first outdoor event, where y'all congregated all distanced and smiling (we presume) beneath your masks. Those two hours every other Sunday, June through November, helped us all remember what normal felt like. You made our musician hearts swell.

As for the future of Timberstock, we'll totally do it again. And even when we're all vaccinated and back dodging wait staff late at night in crowded restaurants, as though 2020 never happened, the band will play outside our house on Sunday afternoons. Please join us.

Timberstock—in all of its hippie-peace-love-understanding-Woodstock-inspired glory— is a keeper.

We cannot WAIT!

Can you dig it?

Yes I can.

See you all in 2021. Stay safe. We'll see you as soon as the temps crawl upward!

PS: Don't forget to thank and support our 2020 sponsors.

The Concord Cheese Shop A Remedy for That Jacquelin and Robert Apsler Dawna Provost Eva Fischer and Sam Bacon Amy Mestancik and David Hardwick Larry Eppolito Hilary Taylor Lynn and Vern Nixon Mary Coombs Patti and Dennis Kaplan Bette and John Finnern Michael Carbone Reasons to be Cheerful Beth Rau, Rau Graphics

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